Children enjoying learning First Aid Skills.

Learning how to bandage in a First Aid Workshop

Group picture Home Ed group First Aid Workshop

Children enjoying learning First Aid Skills.
Our First Aid Workshops are tailored to suit your needs,
Available for a range of subjects including,
3 hour Basic First Aid, 2 hour Defib Awareness,
Family First Aid, Water Safety, and all types of Children's First Aid Workshops.
What We Offer...

Basic First Aid
School Workshops
School Workshops, available and tailored to all age ranges.
These Workshops meet new 2020 UK National Curriculum requirements.
Including such things as,
•Making a 999 call
•Recovery Position
•De-fib understanding
Nemo First Aid Trainers are highly skilled in training Lifeguards and Water Safety.
Why not Include Water Safety into your schools Workshop!

Candidates will receive an attendance certificate following a 3 hour Basic First Aid Course.
Ideal for people or staff that are not required to be official first aiders but would benefit in being able to give first aid assistance.
Including subjects such as,
•Recovery Position
•Head Injurys
Automated external defibrillators (AED). Learn essential skills needed in the event that someone suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in the community or in your place of work.
Know how to locate, access and use these lifesaving machines.
Our 2 hour Defib awareness workshops teach you how to recognise a cardiac arrest, how to perform CPR and how to use the AED.
All Workshops are tailored to meet the needs of your environment.

Defib Awareness Workshop

Primary School First Aid
Community Groups
Holiday Club Sessions
Year 5 & 6 Workshops
School Leavers Qualifications
School Support Staff
Family First Aid
Home Education Groups